• 木皿花枝(清原果耶饰)原本以空手道的日本代表为目标,却突然梦想破灭陷入了人生的低谷。至今只专注于空手道,从未恋爱过的花枝,遇到了比赛前必听的胜负曲的作者芦田春树(间宫祥太朗饰)。芦田现在是落魄的昙花一现的音乐人,工作也差点被炒鱿鱼。这样的2人从意外的契机开始挑战“虽然是谎言但认真的恋爱”。从小对花枝一心一意的青梅竹马夏川慎吾(菊池风磨饰)也卷入其中,不久便发展出三角关系的恋情。但是花枝抱着谁也不能说的“秘密”,决定“这是人生最后的恋爱”。@哦撸马(阿点)
  • 《二十世纪Hit Song》是在韩国音乐内容基础上,召唤和重新诠释old k-pop,缓解大众对新复古渴望的“新概念New-tro”音乐综艺。
  • 《#BanG Dream!#》乐队“#Roselia#”的独立剧场版第二部《#BanG Dream! Episode of Roselia#Ⅱ Song I am.》公开主视觉图和PV!第一部《BanG Dream ! Episode of Roselia Ⅰ 約束》将于2021年4月23日上映!
  • Ordinary Anne Boonchuy, 13, finds a music box that sends her to Amphibia, a world full of frogs, toads, and giant insects. With help from Sprig, she must adjust to life in Amphibia and discover the first true friendship in her life.
  • Soo-ha leaves the city and goes to the roadside rest stop inherited from her father. The rest stop, however, is losing business as much as Soo-ha’s life is losing vitality. Because of a new road, few people pass this way and there are two employees who don’t really fit in. Even worse, her brother comes and passes his partial ownership to her and leaves his daughter behind. As Soo-ha gradually wears down, a South American band ‘Kawsay’ drops by the rest stop in the middle of their trip. Soo-ha welcomes them thinking they might attract more visitors.
  • 托德是一个口齿伶俐似乎又有着强迫症的可爱男孩,在他产生自己并不是个同性恋的怀疑和疑惑时,遇到了一个始终没有安全感的的女演员,两人建立了一种只会喋喋不休说话但不进一步发展亲密关系的爱侣,这种关系自然是奇怪的碰撞。
  • 备受尊敬的神父尚贤(宋康昊饰)因参加在非洲秘密进行的疫苗医学实验,被输入了来历不明的血液后使其在心理和生理上都变成了吸血鬼。他鬼使神差地爱上了朋友康宇(申河均饰)的妻子泰珠(金玉彬饰),两人不伦的爱情将其拖进万劫不复的境地…
  • 大韩民国喜爱的歌曲 席卷排行榜的最强音源 “如果我唱那首歌的话…?” 想要的别人的歌曲, 给你一个明目张胆偷取的机会! 为了夺走彼此的歌曲 韩国顶级音乐人展开了 不仅是重新诠释舞台, 还有值得信赖的原曲舞台! 明目张胆地偷别人的歌曲争夺战 如果吸引的话就偷吧!<Songstealer>