• 三个大老粗一样的男人,这回不得不学着照顾他们自己的小孩子了,因为,他们的老婆竟然都在同一时间怀孕了。于是,从没有照顾过小Baby的三个男人,开始了自己的奶爸日子……
  • 在他们的助产士突然去世后,一对洛杉矶夫妇聘请她的儿子作为他们的助产士。
  • 梅肯县边线
  • 圣诞节的家庭聚会上,年轻情侣斯特凡和海科向父母宣布他们购买了一艘船,决定环游世界。他们一路欢声笑语,领略各地风光。然而当他们来到玻里尼西亚后,美好的一切戛然而止。斯特凡跟随一位名叫阿里哈诺的当地男人狩猎未归。海科从阿里哈诺口中得知爱人受伤,匆忙随他前去,结果险些被他奸杀。逃出生天的海科求助警方寻找斯特凡。警方在多日调查后发现斯特凡已被肢解后焚烧,而阿里哈诺不见踪迹。看到爱人已被烧成一片灰烬的海科心痛不已,决定不再继续航行。刚刚回到家中的她便被铺天盖地的记者包围,众人都希望获悉斯特凡死亡真相。在母亲和姐姐的陪伴下,海科试着抚平心中的创伤,并且决定接受汉堡新闻记者哈特曼的采访道出真相。这时,玻里尼西亚的警官也为海科带来好消息,阿里哈诺被捕。在哈特曼的陪同下,海科见到了沉默不语也拒不认罪的阿里哈诺。但证据确凿,哈里哈诺被判28年有期徒刑。阿里哈诺的父亲为表歉意,邀请海科参加专门为斯特凡举行的告别仪式。海科决定暂时留在玻里尼西亚缅怀爱人。后来,她带着自己写下的书《蓝水-天堂梦魇》回到德国。@m.yakutv.cc
  • 黑暗骑士,具有超凡能力的正义之士,这个神秘组织暗中执行正义,将法律无法伸张的恶徒就地正法,向街头犯罪宣战。现代充满堕落、沈沦与腐败罪恶的城市,恐怖组织扬言释放致命的病毒毁灭人类,伊凡加入黑暗骑士组织,这才发现原来家族一直都是地下组织的领导人,而他的父母及组织里的其它组织成员遭受背叛,无一幸存,而人类最后的希望,就掌握在他手上…
  • 尸坑

  • Old school friends go on a paintball trip, miles away from civilization. Things go horribly wrong when they discover a cold-blooded masked killer moxia.cc is among them. Now they must fight to survive their school reunion.
  • Michael (or Fresh as he's well known) is a 12-year-old drug pusher who lives in a crowded house with his cousins and aunt. His father has become a street bum,but still meets with fresh on occasion to play chess. Fresh is rather quiet in a crazy world. Fresh' sister is a junkie who sleeps with the dealers that fresh sells for. As the story progresses Fresh realizes that he doesn't want to sell drugs anymore, he wants revenge.
  • Maya Rudolph is Molly Novak, a billionaire ready to save the world. Loot premieres June 24 on Apple TV .After divorcing her husband of 20 years, Molly Novak must figure out what to do with her $87 billion settlement. She decides to reengage with her charitable foundation and reconnect with the real world—finding herself along the way.In addition to Rudolph, the Loot ensemble cast is led by stars Michaela Jaé Rodriguez (“Pose”), Ron Funches (“Undateable”), Nat Faxon (“Married”) and Joel Kim Booster (“Sunnyside”).Loot is created, written and executive produced by Yang and Hubbard. Rudolph executive produces, along with Natasha Lyonne and Danielle Renfrew Behrens, through their Animal Pictures. Dave Becky of 3 Arts also serves as executive producer. Loot is produced for Apple by Universal Television, a division of Universal Studio Group.